Jayson got back from Boise tonight. After spending four days with the powers-that-be, he is apparently medically fit to hit the beach. :-) I find it strange, tho, that he was able to pass. The man is deathly afraid of needles, he threatens to kill people when he's hungry, and he has a hearing problem (I can only assume on that last one since he never hears what I say).
So, with the last "drill" out of the way, I guess that means the deployment is here and we're down to the wire. We've got our schedules full and plan to make the most of the time we have left. This coming weekend is the "Deployment Party" at our house. Slip-N-Slide (w/ soap), fire, and music. The Slip-N-Slide will provide solid entertainment for me, the fire will occupy the boys later in the night, and the music will be our soundtrack.
FYI: I am sitting on the front porch typing this. And sitting in my bikini bottoms and a tee-shirt. I'm sure, to passing cars, I look naked from the waist down. I kinda like it. I think I'll make this a Sunday tradition.
Happy Traks!
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